Starting a company today has never been more popular and access to funding has never been more robust. Students coming to HBS are eager to explore the entrepreneurial journey as a founder, a joiner, or as an investor in high growth startups. The Rock Center is a central resource in the HBS entrepreneurship ecosystem. We collaborate with faculty, student clubs, career and professional development, and experts. As a thought-leadership center within the Harvard community, we partner with other critical areas including the Harvard Innovation Labs, the greater Boston entrepreneurship ecosystem, and all of the major entrepreneurial hubs around the world.
The Rock Center sits at a unique point to gather the many resources and answers to questions that first-time founders, joiners, or investors have about entrepreneurship. This guide is designed to answer the specific questions we get from students and alumni on the various challenges, templates, and approaches to starting a new venture. In many cases, we leverage the pedagogy of HBS faculty and experts who have researched this topic and lived the life of an entrepreneur or investor. We recognize that there are many great resources beyond HBS about which our students should know; we worked to select those that we find most relevant and helpful. We hope you find this guide beneficial in your journey!